Transit Oriented Development or TOD is gaining credence as one of the most popular planning tools for increasing access to transit, 然而, 实施TOD, one must understand the regulatory context and legal approach to planning and property development.
2020年5月28日Zohra Mutabanna是一位城市和交通规划师, and urban designer with a wide range of experience in transportation planning, 体系结构, 通过美国和印度的项目进行城市设计. Zohra从事的项目涉及以交通为导向的发展, 非机动交通规划, 街道景观设计, 交通服务规划, 微仿真建模和传输技术. She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a Masters in City 规划 and a concentrated focus in transportation planning and urban design.