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The current heat wave in Los Angeles has been stretching on for days with no end in sight. It’s breaking heat records as temperatures in some areas reach 37°C/100°F. Citizens are doing anything they can to beat the heat, including turning up the air conditioning. 洛杉矶水电局 我对柯布说了些什么...

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The current heat wave in Los Angeles has been stretching on for days with no end in sight. It’s breaking heat records as temperatures in some areas reach 37°C/100°F. Citizens are doing anything they can to beat the heat, including turning up the air conditioning. 洛杉矶水电局 我对柯布说了些什么 the effects of this surge of heat on the cities power grid:

“这是极端的. 我们已经创造了一项新纪录. 现在是6435兆瓦, we’re almost 30 megawatts over the all-time high, and we’re still not at the peak hottest time of the day,发言人Joe Ramallo说. “At no point in our city history have customers used this much electricity during the hottest part of the day.”

努力让创纪录的高温变得可以忍受, citizens are contributing record amounts of carbon emissions to the environment, creating a negative feedback loop that further contributes to a warming climate. 这不可避免地成为一个日益严重的全球性问题. 在一个 Wired最近的一篇文章, they cite some sobering statistics when it comes to the number of extreme heat waves across the globe:

Around 30 percent of the world’s population today is exposed to so-called “lethal heat” conditions for at least 20 days a year. 如果我们不减少化石燃料的排放, the percentage will skyrocket to 74 percent by the year 2100.

随着高温成为一种新常态, how do we create livable conditions while stopping the negative feedback loop? How do we prevent climate change from leading to more climate change?

当然 清洁技术 can play a role, by creating more efficient devices with fewer carbon emissions. 设计 被动的建筑 还能大大减少能源需求吗. The design of these structures allows them to mitigate their energy usage, even eliminating the need for mechanical cooling on milder days. While these concepts have primarily been tested on houses, the design principals can be transferred to other building types.

These solutions are at the scale of the building, but what can be done at the scale of the city? It is at this scale that we can see the most impactful solutions- how can urban design adapt for extreme heat? 研究表明 行道树和城市森林 在给城市降温方面起着关键作用. Material and colour of rooftops and pavements are also important components of the much studied “城市热岛”效应.

考虑风的城市设计, 湿度, and other atmospheric conditions and their impact on the street level means that hot temperatures are less dangerous to city dwellers. Forward-thinking urban design needs to keep in mind places of refuge for extreme heat conditions, 为市民提供一个避暑的空间, 不用求助于他们的空调.
