我们最后一次谈话, Should I stay, or should I go now (back to the workplace), 考虑改变交通方式、技术干预以及工作和家庭生活模式. 英国服务领导,情报, 科林·威尔逊,由场所营造实践主管, 奥利弗Hartleben, and Stantec’s Director, Transport and Infrastructure, 斯科特•Witchalls 为了这个讨论.
Colin’s presentation suggested that the decision to travel, as well as one’s chosen mode of transportation, will have long-term impacts as a result of the pandemic. 他认为,这些后果可能包括重新安置和分散有组织的工作空间, as well as the transformation of learning and retail environments. 这, 在科林看来, 是否与公共交通系统在面对不断变化的收入和运营模式时所面临的挑战有关, and he located potential solutions in travel demand management, 以新的获取途径的形式, 路由和拥塞收费.
奥利弗指出,在疫情早期确定的某些流动趋势并不是真正的新现象. Rather, they were extant trends being accelerated by the crisis. These include the ‘new commute’ to one’s home office or workspace, “新高速公路”, characterised by active and single-occupancy modal shifts, 以及“新的购物体验”, which saw exponential growth via online retail and home deliveries. Oliver focused on the ‘stickiness’ of these trends, 他认为,在个性化的好处中,行为的改变将是最持久的, convenience and quality of life are experienced most strongly.
在他的演讲中, 斯科特考虑了几个问题, including a ‘world of sharing’ based on unleashing spare capacity; ‘mobility on demand’, similar to mobile device data packages; and the prominence of flexible, 适应性强的空间. 斯科特指出, 在covid -19前的世界, 城市已经面临着交通拥堵和污染带来的环境困境. 尽管有很多承诺, 他认为,转向全电动汽车不会提高生活质量, 地点质量, 或交通堵塞, if there is a simultaneous rush back to single-occupancy ownership and use. 在短期内, 斯科特认为,公共交通工具上的空气质量是一个核心挑战, 和机会, 对建筑环境的设计者来说.