As a result of Toronto’s unprecedented economic growth and the extension of the Spadina Subway line through the area, the 杜克高地BIA sought to prepare a thorough analysis and strategy for what comes next. Working with stakeholders and the City of Toronto’s Economic Development and Culture Division, IBI Group completed a comprehensive SWOT analysis reviewing the BIA’s built, 政策, employment and market environments to distinguish their strongest opportunities and potential shortfalls.
Our 位置 Quotient and Cluster analysis informed potential target industries and established the area’s competitive advantages. These findings were further supported by data gleaned from the City of Toronto’s Employment Survey and larger employment trends occurring throughout the region.
The study included six case studies examining 创新区 in Toronto, 美国, 以及国际上的佼佼者. 作为这个过程的一部分, 我们审查了机构伙伴关系, 行业营销, and financial incentives with the greatest potential to spur development. These findings were delivered through a detailed report highlighting key success indicators and implementation policies. IBI Group recommended fifteen economic development policies for adoption that will foster development in specific industries while utilizing the area’s strategic location and future government infrastructure investments.
自提交报告以来, the BIA has completed a rebranding and outreach program to bring new tenants and targeted industries to the area. 就业加速器, 与邻近的约克大学合作, 打开了, 为了提供空间, 为各类企业提供培训和支持.