As part of the growing Early College Annex program, 学生可以提前获得大学学分, 提供之间的无缝过渡 PreK-12 和 高等教育. 山姆·雷伯恩高中和 南休斯顿高中 这两个设施都是新建的吗hereas 帕萨迪纳纪念高中 repurposed their existing CTE facility that had long outlived its building life cycle.
每一个 学习设施 was similarly designed as a two-story freest和ing school for approximately 350 high school a并模仿大学环境 特色:
- 十个教室;
- 两个带预备区科学实验室;
- 大型多功能厅;
- 合作空间;
- cafeteria/flex areas, including warming kitchens; 和
- a lobby, administrative offices 和 ancillary spaces.
Classrooms 和 learning areas include marker walls, 钉墙, interactive short throw digital projectors, multiple display monitors 和 one-to-one technology supported by both hardwired 和 wireless network systems. 室内 areas include flex spaces to encourage independent 和 small group learning.
Br和ing 和 environmental graphics incorporate school colors 和 the campus mascot, 鼓舞人心的话, 和 future education 和 professional themes.
Site improvements made use of existing grounds, 而且还提供了额外的停车位, 服务驱动, 景观灌溉, athletic hills 和 sidewalks to connect to the existing campus.
A new generation of minds is reshaping the way we approach education at all levels of learning.