位于南约克郡的谢菲尔德/罗瑟勒姆边境, 占地100英亩的先进制造园区(AMP)是包括波音公司在内的高价值制造商集群的所在地, 劳斯莱斯和迈凯轮,专注于复合材料, aerospace, civil nuclear and energy.
受包括谢菲尔德市议会在内的客户伙伴关系委托, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, 谢菲尔德大学和土地所有者皮尔和哈沃斯, IBI Group led a team including transport, 物业和规划专家为其实施制定愿景和策略. 该小组还得到其他专家的补充,为经济案件提供监督和关键支持.
我们的愿景定义了一个创新的生态系统,包括灵活的开发地块, start-up support, education and research, high quality housing, 配套基础设施和多式联运体系, 和一系列的网络空间和场所都在一个高质量, connected landscaped environment.
A key consideration was the impact that good placemaking can have in defining the right environment to attract high value businesses and a highly skilled workforce; re-defining an area for the era of the fourth industrial revolution.