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IBI Group led the architecture and interior design for South Houston High School’s new early college annex; a two-story, 独立的学习设施,旨在容纳该地区不断增长的高级学习计划.

Pasadena Independent School District
Pasadena, TX
29,464 sq ft Size
350 Students
2017 Completed

This learning facility, 它为大约350名高中生提供了提前获得大学学分的空间, offers a seamless transition between PreK-12 and higher education, 旨在通过以下特点来模仿大学环境:

  • ten classrooms;
  • two science labs with prep areas;
  • large multi-purpose rooms;
  • collaborative spaces;
  • cafeteria/flex areas, including warming kitchens; and
  • 大堂、行政办公室和辅助空间.

教室和学习区域包括标记墙, tack walls, 交互式短距数字放映机, 多显示器和一对一技术支持硬有线和无线网络系统. Whereas interior 区域包括灵活的空间,鼓励独立和小组学习.


  • school colors and the campus mascot;
  • inspirational words of encouragement; and
  • future education and professional themes.

利用现有场地进行场地改善, but also provided additional parking, service drives, landscaping with irrigation, 运动山和人行道连接到现有的校园.


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