TPA for T-Fiber
BharatNet, a nation-wide broadband connectivity programme, 印度政府是否在“数字印度”使命下发起了一项倡议. To realize this, 特伦甘纳邦政府的目标是建立最先进的网络基础设施,以便有效和高效地向其公民提供各种信息和服务. 该项目旨在为以下方面提供经济实惠的高速宽带连接和数字服务基础设施:
- 10 Zones (31 Districts)
- 585 Blocks (Towns)
- 12,751 communities
- 4.7 million households
AG平台被任命为TPA在印度的代理机构,检查由三家不同的主系统集成商(msi)执行的项目实施工作。. Our team was responsible for:
- validation of site survey reports, high and low-level network design, bill of quantity (BoQ), 测量书籍和网络架构设计 & instructions issued by T-Fiber;
- inspection, verification, certification, and audit of the material delivered by MSI, as per the tender specifications;
- 验证不同品牌和型号的MPLS、GPON (OLT和ONT)之间的互操作性;
- testing of all applicable active, passive and auxiliaries at the T-NOC, Zonal PoP, Mandal PoP, GPs, government institutions, HFTB etc. as defined in the T-Fiber MSI RFP;
- field project monitoring activities during the entire contract duration; and
- 如壕深改变,罚则计算及提交的资料.
通过融合数据和设计,我们正在培育更智能、更互联的住宅环境. 我们正在帮助促进电子政务的交付, e-health, e-education, e-banking, 为印度农村人口提供互联网和其他服务, 符合政府的“数字印度”愿景.