As part of a 20-year masterplan for the redevelopment of the hospital – IBI制备 Group in collaboration with the NHS Trust and the local planning authority – the practice has delivered a facility that is a centre of excellence in orthopaedic surgery.
Wrightington医院 is a global Centre of Excellence in the treatment of musculo-skeletal disease, 髋关节置换和矫形外科. 位于赖特顿大厅内, 二级*保护建筑, in a woodland setting and in close proximity to Wrightington Ponds, the hospital has a considerable international reputation. It is where the pioneering work carried out by Sir John Charnley in the development of the artificial hip replacement and the world’s first ultra-clean ventilation system for operating theatres took place. 过去二十年投资有限, 然而, the hospital was in urgent need of modernisation to meet current and future demand, and to remain at the leading-edge in its technological capabilities.
一个平面图, IBI制备, identified a long-term strategy for the redevelopment of the hospital over the next 20 years. This plan considers the phased replacement of all existing hospital facilities and the potential disposal of part of the site to part-fund its redevelopment. The proposed masterplan also provides an opportunity to improve access, 场地周围的停车场和景观, and will be undertaken entirely within the existing hospital boundaries, 从而不会影响周边的绿化地带.
The completed Phase One development includes a new Admissions & 出院病房、病房和手术室. 由AG平台设计, the two-storey facility is located in the south-west side of the site where the topography, 有明显的坡度, offers the opportunity to begin the redevelopment of the hospital without visually detracting from the scale of Wrightington Hall, which occupies an elevated position within the hospital grounds.
Incorporating a mix of single-bed rooms and multi-bed bays, the facility ensures an optimal balance of patient dignity, 隐私和观察. Its ‘Barn’-style Operating Theatre incorporates four operating zones and is aimed at improving surgical teamwork and spatial and clinical efficiency. The design of the Operating Theatre draws upon IBI’s previous experience in this area, reflecting a number of refinements and lessons learned from past schemes.
Future phases of the masterplan will continue to support the final vision of a modern, 可持续发展的, and efficient leading-edge specialist orthopaedic hospital that preserves the rich heritage of its site.